Human Powered Intro to Avalanches

Whitefish Mountain Resort 3930 Big Mountain Rd, Whitefish

  This course is an opportunity to get your hands in the snow and gain familiarity with essential concepts and practices for travel in avalanche-prone terrain. With a Thursday evening classroom session at FVCC and a Saturday field day, this course offers 11 hours of instruction time. We will cover avalanche terminology, identifying avalanche hazards, […]


The Mountain Guides Rescue Course

The Mountain Guide’s AIARE Avalanche Rescue is a one-day stand alone course that is intended to be retaken on a regular basis in order to keep abreast of best practices in rescue techniques and gear. New participants will learn the basics of companion rescue, while return participants will expand their skill set with advanced topics […]


The Mountain Guides Recreation Level 1 Course

The Mountain Guides Level 1 course in Whitefish, Montana utilizes a hybrid course including self guided learning, virtual classroom, and 2 field days. Note: This course is not offered from Flathead Avalanche  Register Here  

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